Solar air convection heaters
Solar air convection heaters are rare, but have no operating costs at all. Because solar heaters rely on sunlight, they don't always provide heat...
Off-peak storage heaters
Off peak storage heaters, also called heat banks, heat up during the hours when off-peak electricity rates apply. These heaters are best suited to...
Radiant bar heater
Radiant bar heaters (or strip heaters) produce a lot of heat very quickly, and are ideal for areas like bathrooms, where heat is required...
Electric fan heaters
Convection fan heaters provide instant heat and are very portable. They are also fairly inefficient, and are best suited for short-term use in small...
Ducted heating
Ducted heating allows warm air to be channelled through floor or ceiling vents to different parts of a house. Controlling these vents allows you...
Where to position heaters
Different heaters emit heat in different ways, and heat always rises. Knowing where to put your heater can vastly improve your heating setup and...
Availability of fuel
The availability and price of fuel make a big difference to what type of heaters you should install in your home. This is especially...
Climate and demand
How often you will need a heater and how long you need it on for make a big difference. Heaters of different types vary...
Running costs of heaters
In most (but not all) cases, the less you spend on a heater, the more it will cost to run in the long term....
Energy efficient heating
Different heaters produce different levels and types of heat, but they also consume different types of fuels. A good heating setup can cost very...