Regulations | BUILD | Page 3

Carport regulations

Bath regulations

Bath regulations

Pergola regulations

Pergola regulations

Electrical regulations
Lighting regulations

Lighting regulations

Sub metering and smart water meters

See what the law says about water sub metering for apartment blocks, and using smart meters to assess and manage your water usage.   Like...

Water meters

Find out what the law says about the installation and operation of water meters, how they work, and what you can and can't do...
Plumbing regulations

Plumbing regulations

While you're not expected to know all of the regulations inside and out, understanding the basics can definitely help you ensure that your plumbing's...

Gas installation and use

There are special laws and regulations in place in Australia that control to how gas appliances should be chosen, who can install them and...

Temperature restrictions and tempering valves

Find out what sorts of restrictions apply to the temperature of water coming out of any given tap in an Australian household, and how...

Does the new energy efficiency legislation over-step the mark?

New energy efficiency legislation is designed to make suppliers more accountable for their actions, but does it go too far? And how does it...

How to comply and conform with the new lighting requirements

Lighting installers at any level should be aware of the need to comply with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) in...

Bushfire regulations for decking and pergolas

Regulations apply in bushfire prone areas which may affect how you're allowed to build a pergola. Find out what regulations apply, and how they...

Cyclone regulations for decks and pergolas

If you're planning on building a pergola in a cyclone prone part of Australia, it will need to comply with the cyclone code. Find...

Deck height and handrail regulations

Decks constructed beyond a certain height need to be built with handrails. The construction of the handrails is also regulated, to further lower the...


For the Love of Lavender
