Climate control

Get the most from your heating, ventilation and cooling (or HVAC) systems. BUILD shows you how to plan and improve climate control in your home.

Giving the right amount of attention to how you design and plan your home’s ventilation systems can make a huge difference not just to your electricity bills, but also to how comfortable and efficient your home is.

The ventilation checklist, which can be found in this category, covers the issues you need to consider to ensure your heating system will best serve your needs, now and into the future. The checklist will save you time, hassle and money. Print it out, read through the site and keep it on hand when discussing heating options with your heating expert, electrician or architect.

Climate control maintenance

Climate control maintenance

Maintaining your heating, cooling and ventilation systems isn't difficult, and isn't even something you need to do that often. Doing it right, though, can...
Reflective foil insulation

Reflective foil insulation

Foil-type insulation is reflective insulation, designed to prevent radiated heat from entering your home. This type of insulation is most often used in...
Insulation maintenance

Insulation maintenance

Feeling a chill in your home? Think your heater's being overworked? It could be that you need a top up on your insulation, but...
Insulation regulations

Insulation regulations

Depending on what the climate's like where you live in Australia, different regulations apply to the amount and type of insulation that needs to...

Energy efficient insulation

Having the right insulation can make a huge difference to the amount of energy your home needs to stay at a comfortable temperature, and...
Performance considerations for insulation

Performance considerations for insulation

There's a bit more to insulating a home well than just sticking some batts in your wall cavities. Find out what else affects how...

Thermal insulation materials

Many different materials can be used for insulation, including rock wool, glass wool, sheep's wool, cellulose, polystyrene and straw bales, among others. Find out...

Insulation for different areas

Find out what sort of insulation is required in different parts of your home, and why. Learn more about roof, wall, under-floor, door and...
Types of thermal insulation

Types of thermal insulation

There are all kinds of options when it comes to thermal insulation. Find out what sorts of insulation are available, and what's likely to...

Insulation & passive design

Effective insulation plays a starring role in how well a house is able to separate the climate inside from that outside - and is...

