Home Structure Page 33


Many elements of structure make up the home, including doors, floors, walls, roofs, foundations and windows. This handy guide helps explain all these elements and more.

Cyclone code requirements for walls

Depending on where you live, there may be special requirements for fire or cyclone codes. See how these affect you. Each year, Australian lives are...
How to choose walls

How to choose walls

Some types of walls and materials are far better suited to different types of houses and climates than others. Find out what makes for...

Framing materials

The different materials that can be used to create the frame or structure of a home will have a big impact on its strength,...

Hollow-core slab ceilings

These types of ceilings offer excellent strength and are relatively lightweight, making them a popular choice in muliti-storey homes. What is a hollow-core slab ceiling? A...

Oriented strand board (OSB)

Oriented strand board (or OSB as it's known) is used in light frame construction to offer greater strength, stability and reinforcement. What is oriented strand...

Asbestos sheeting

Asbestos sheets, when broken, can cause cancer. They are often found in older houses, where they were used for insulation purposes.   Asbestos sheeting needs to...
A straw bale house

Straw bale houses

Straw bale houses aren't particularly common, but offer excellent insulation and a cost effective way to build a home.    Straw bale houses are typically easy...

Structural insulated panel (SIP) walls

Structural insulated panels (or SIPs) are typically made of wood and styrofoam, and are an effective alternative to light frame construction. What are structural insulated...

Steel framing

Steel is increasingly used in modern house framing, and is valued for its versatility, longevity and strength. What is a steel frame? Most buildings structured around...

Timber framing

Most homes in Australia are built using light frame construction using timber. Find out about the properties of these homes.   Timber house frames are very...

