It’s very important – for the sake of safety and compliance – that your home is properly inspected by a qualified surveyor at various stages of its construction to ensure that it meets the relevant standards, local regulations and Building Code (BCA) requirements.
The inspections that are mandatory will differ slightly depending on which state or territory you’re in, but generally speaking there are four or five different points at which certificates or approvals will need to be issued.
The footings are the first stage – and they’re a great example of why independent inspections are important. A small mistake or oversight with your home’s footings can have devastating consequences for the structural integrity of your home, some of which mightn’t become apparent for many years.
Ensuring that framing is done properly is important in much the same way – as is waterproofing, although inspections for waterproofing are only mandatory in a couple of states. Learn more about building surveyors and mandatory inspections in the articles below.