Home Plumbing Page 5


See how plumbing is installed in homes, and what to do in plumbing emergencies. Learn about fittings, fixtures, and water and energy efficient plumbing.

Basins and sinks

Basins and sinks

Learn what differentiates different kinds of basins and sinks in bathrooms, kitchens and laundries, as well as what types are available, and how they're...

DIY solar hot water: not worth the risk!

Find out why DIY solar hot water kits are dangerous, and how they're likely to cost you much more than you bargained for. With so...

Roof drainage

It's important to ensure that water is properly and effectively drained off the roof. Find out more about how this is achieved, and why.     The...

Distance between water and power points

Regulations in Australia restrict where you're able to position power points in relation to sinks and taps. Find out what the rules say, and...

WaterMark labels

The WaterMark certification label signifies that a plumbing product complies with certain quality and performance standards.    WaterMark logos are either etched or printed on compliant...

WELS labels and ratings

Water-producing bathroom fittings in Australia need to comply with basic water-efficiency standards. As a part of the WELS scheme, they are rated and given...
Bath regulations

Types of baths

We all know what a bathtub is, but you might not realise how many different types and styles there are to choose from. Find...

How to unblock a toilet

A blocked toilet can be an awful thing, and knowing the right way to unblock one can prevent a bad situation from becoming much,...

Instant hot water enhancements

Using hot water enhancements can not only improve the supply of hot water to your bathroom, but also help to reduce the amount of...
Unblocking a drain

How to unblock a drain

Blocked drains in your kitchen are no fun - but thankfully they're not too difficult to deal with. Read our guide on how to...

