
Mark Simon's Blog - 2019

My name is Mark Simon. I am a writer by profession and love to share my written blogs and thoughts about Home Improvement, business and Fashion that will be informative for readers whom loves to gain knowledge.

Options for Best Garage Floor Coatings     by   Mark Simon

19 November 2019

If you want to install a new floor in your garage, then you may start with the floor coatings. A standard concrete flooring option is best for your garage because you can save you cost by installing concrete floor in your garage...

Useful Tips For Selecting The Best Epoxy Flooring Services      by   Mark Simon

23 October 2019

Epoxy is a type of soft resin or thermosetting polymer, which is applied as a coating over concrete floors. It hardens within a very short time, resulting in a hard and durable layer that protects the flooring...


Steel Frame Kits Designed for Your Homes     by   Mark Simon

26 September 2019

Whenever the matter involves steel frame kits, you always think of the building roof and structure construction. Just like with any other kit, the one used for a building comprises of everything possible, that you need for assembling that steel building...
