

How to clean heating ducts and vents

Heating ducts carry air all around your house, and vents often get dirty as a result of how much air flows through them. Find out if (and how) you need to clean them.

How to clean a chimney or flue

Keeping your flues and chimneys clear and free from blockages and creosote is all part of using a wood heater or fireplace, and essential if you don't want your home to fill with smoke!

How to clean a fireplace

Occasionally cleaning your fireplace will help to ensure your home's not covered in ash and soot. Find out how to clean your fireplace without making too big a mess.

Heater maintenance

It's one of those things that people neglect, but really shouldn't. Find out how (and why) you should maintain your heater to keep it safe, clean and efficient.


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Bushfire safety and windows

Devastating bushfires are unfortunately an all too common occurrence across Australia.
In response to recent bushfire attacks a revised building standard has been...


Working with electricity

Ever had an electric shock? Not sure what you should and shouldn't be working on in your home? Find out what you should handle in terms of your home's electrical systems.

Home entertainment

What's the difference between SD and HD set top boxes?

Not all set top boxes are equal - and if you're on the market for one, it's important that you know what you're paying for. Find out what the difference is between SD and HD set top boxes.
