

Unblocking a drain

How to unblock a drain

Blocked drains in your kitchen are no fun - but thankfully they're not too difficult to deal with. Read our guide on how to unblock a drain and save yourself from a watery disaster.

Mould and rust on taps

How to deal with mould and rust

Cleaning mould is not simply a matter of wiping it off and assuming the job's finished. Find out how to effectively clean rust stains and get rid of mould for good in your bathroom.


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How to clean heating ducts and vents

Heating ducts carry air all around your house, and vents often get dirty as a result of how much air flows through them. Find out if (and how) you need to clean them.


Different technologies to cool your home

Cooling technologies differ hugely in terms of their initial and running costs, environmental impact, and how effectively they actually cool the air in your home. What's right for your place?


Roller doors

Roller doors, like tilt doors, are used almost exclusively as garage doors. Because of the way they operate, roller doors generally take up less space than tilt doors, and are often automated.
