

Unblocking a drain

How to unblock a drain

Blocked drains in your kitchen are no fun - but thankfully they're not too difficult to deal with. Read our guide on how to unblock a drain and save yourself from a watery disaster.


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Pipe lagging

Lagging is the insulation that goes around pipes to help keep heat in and control noises from inside the pipes. Find out more about what lagging is and where it's required.


WELS labels and ratings

Water-producing bathroom fittings in Australia need to comply with basic water-efficiency standards. As a part of the WELS scheme, they are rated and given a label that shows how efficient they are.

How to install a wind turbine

How to install a wind turbine

If you’re considering wind power as an option, there are a few questions you'll need to be able to answer to make sure it's right for your needs, and to ensure you know what to look for.
