
alan simpson's comments

OCT 09
yep an interesting article, my block has been classified P in an AS soil test report, just been estimated $40,00 for piers etc. Interesting thing for me is its an old suburb built in the 1960s, its full of houses built without the benefit if piers etc, My family owns 5 houses within 100 meters of the site, my nephew lives next door on a 60 year old brick veneer house without any cracks and all the floors etc are level. My mother across the road in a weatherboard place. The block only became available because the existing house burnt down. how did those guys build those houses 60 years ago without piers and they stood the test of time. Are we building the pyramids? something to last a 1000 years? if its $ 40,000 for the footings it will put building out of our reach , it more than 20% of the building cost.