

How to fix a leaking tap

How to fix a leaking tap

Most of the time, if a tap in your home is leaky, dripping or hard to close it's the result of a broken washer. While it's possible that your leaking tap's a 'washerless' tap (i.e. one with a ball, cartridge or ceramic disc mechanism - see the 'Types of taps' article linked below), it's a lot less likely that these taps will be leaking like this. You can usually tell if you have a ceramic disc type tap because it'll only need a quarter or half turn to fully open the tap.


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Pull-down and pull-out taps

Many people these days are opting to install pull-down and pull-out taps in their kitchen because of the convenience they afford when doing the dishes. Find out what these types of taps are, and why they're so popular.

A light tube

Light tubes

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