

Unblocking a drain

How to unblock a drain

Blocked drains in your kitchen are no fun - but thankfully they're not too difficult to deal with. Read our guide on how to unblock a drain and save yourself from a watery disaster.


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How to build a house
Mandatory inspections

Mandatory inspections

It's very important - for the sake of safety and compliance - that your home is properly inspected by a qualified surveyor at various stages of its construction to ensure that it meets the relevant standards, local regulations and Building Code (B


Why won't my door close?

There are several things that can cause this problem, and accordingly, several ways to deal with it. Find out how to fix a door that either won't open, or is hard to close.

How to build a house

How to read site plans


A site plan is a document that precisely maps out the area of the building site to scale. Generally speaking there are two site plans provided:
