

Shower maintenance

Shower maintenance

Cleaning your shower is a necessary evil. If you do it regularly (and properly), your shower will only need a light clean every time.

Cleaning a shower

How to clean a shower

Find out how to deal with stubborn water film on glass, how to clean a shower head and how to wash tiles to make your shower sparkle like it's new.

Unblocking a drain

How to unblock a drain

Blocked drains in your kitchen are no fun - but thankfully they're not too difficult to deal with. Read our guide on how to unblock a drain and save yourself from a watery disaster.

Mould and rust on taps

How to deal with mould and rust

Cleaning mould is not simply a matter of wiping it off and assuming the job's finished. Find out how to effectively clean rust stains and get rid of mould for good in your bathroom.


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How to build a house

Begin construction

The contract's signed, and construction’s just getting underway. Like most people you’ll be interested in keeping an eye on your construction site and seeing how everything’s going.

Climate control

Floor design

Floors - especially concrete slab floors which can absorb a lot of heat during the day - can be used to great effect when it comes to designing for passive heating and cooling in a house.

Cooktop and oven installation requirements

Cooktop and oven installation requirements

How your oven, cooktop and rangehood are installed (and who they're installed by) are fairly strictly regulated in Australia, for obvious reasons. Here's a run-down of the kinds of considerations that need to be met.
