
Maximise Comfort with external wall insulation

16 February 2024

External Wall Insulation

 External Wall Insulation- An Introduction

Imagine your house is like a cosy sweater, keeping you warm and comfy. But if the sweater has holes or thin patches, the warmth leaks out, right? That's kind of like a house without external wall insulation.

External wall insulation is like adding a super-soft, extra layer to your house sweater. It goes on the outside walls, like a giant hug for your home, and helps trap the heat inside, keeping you warm and cosy even when it's chilly outside.

Think of it like this:

Without insulation: Your house is like a bare sweater, letting the heat escape through the walls. You crank up the heating, but the warmth just disappears, like a hot chocolate left in the open air. You feel cold and your energy bill cries!

With insulation: Your house is like a super-snuggly sweater, keeping the heat inside. You don't need to blast the heating as much, so you save energy and money, and your house feels like a warm hug all winter long. It's like a magic trick for your wallet and your comfort!

Cool Things About External Wall Insulation

  • Makes your home warmer and cosier: Just like a thicker sweater, it keeps the heat in and the cold out. No more shivering under blankets!

  • Saves you money on energy bills: You use less energy to heat your home, so your energy bill shrinks like a snowman in the summer. Think of all the extra ice cream you can buy with those savings!

  • Reduces your carbon footprint: By using less energy, you help the planet breathe easier. It's like giving the Earth a big hug with your eco-friendly choices. 

  • Makes your home quieter: The insulation acts like a sound barrier, muffling noises from outside. It's like having a personal earmuff superpower for your house!

Factors caused by External Wall Insulation

Of course, like any good sweater, external wall insulation has a few things to consider:

  • It costs money to install: Think of it like buying a really awesome sweater. The upfront cost might be a bit higher, but it'll pay off in warmth and comfort for years to come. 
  • It might change the look of your house: The insulation adds a bit of thickness to the walls, so your house might look a little different from the outside. But hey, a warm and cosy house is always in fashion!
  • It needs to be done by professionals: Installing external wall insulation isn't a DIY project for beginners. It's like knitting a sweater for a giant – you need someone with the skills and tools to do it right.

Cost of External Wall Installation

In the UK, about 7.8 million households have solid walls, posing challenges for conventional insulation methods. However, insulating these walls is achievable despite costs and difficulties.

The price of marshmallow magic:

Small cones (3 bedrooms): This marshmallow coating costs around £5,000 to £9,000, like saving up for a whole box of sprinkles!

Giant cones (big houses): More cones means more marshmallows, so it might cost between £8,000 and £15,000. Think of it like getting an extra tub of ice cream on top!

Surprise sprinkles (pipes and wires): Sometimes, the sprinkles (pipes and wires) might need moving around to fit the marshmallow. But, don't worry, it's like adjusting the toppings on your sundae for the perfect flavour explosion!

Double marshmallow power:

Mixed toppings: You can combine different types of insulation, like putting whipped cream inside the cone (cavity-fill) and adding marshmallow fluff on top (external methods). It's like customising your ice cream sundae for ultimate deliciousness (warmth)!

Planet hug award: By using less energy to stay warm, you're giving the planet a big high five! Moreover, it's like saving sprinkles and sharing your ice cream with everyone.

Remember, even a small marshmallow layer can make a big difference. Saving some warmth (and money) is like having an extra scoop of your favourite flavour to enjoy for years to come! So, if you're looking for a way to keep your house a cosy ice cream sundae (or just a warm home!), external wall insulation might be the perfect topping!

Benefits of External Wall Insulation

Here's why external wall insulation is like a superpower boost for your house:

No Cavity, No Problem: Even if your house doesn't have a special "cavity" inside the walls (like a secret superhero hideout), external insulation can still work its magic. Without a doubt, it's like having a backup plan to keep the bad guys (cold air) away!

More Room for Fun: Unlike some insulation that takes up space inside your house, external insulation keeps the walls slim and trim. No more shrinking bedrooms or bumping into superhero costumes!

Weatherproof Warrior: This magical cape doesn't just shield you from the cold. It also protects your house from rain, wind, and sun, like a superhero shield. This means your house stays strong and healthy for longer!

Plugging the Holes: No doubt, cold air can sneak through tiny gaps and cracks. But, external insulation fills all those holes and weak spots. It makes your house a fortress against the cold.

No More Cold Bridges: Imagine icy bridges letting villains (cold air) bypass your defences. Undeniably, external insulation creates a thick, warm barrier around your house. Furthermore, it leaves no room for these cold bridges to form. In fact, it's like building a giant, cosy wall around your kingdom!

Bonus Power: Save the Planet! By using less energy to stay warm, you're not just saving money – you're helping the planet stay healthy too! Truly, it's like using your hidden talents for good!

So, if you want your house to be warm and planet friendly, external wall insulation is the solution! Remember, even small changes can make a big difference. Let's turn our houses into champions of comfort and sustainability, one magical cape at a time!

Bottom Line 

Enhance your home's comfort and sustainability with external wall insulation. Save on bills, stay warm, and be eco friendly.

