
Albert Clamark's blog

Rural Property Development: How To Maximise Space On Your Country Acre     by   Albert Clamark

16 July 2024

If you own a rural plot of land, you might be sitting on a gold mine without even realising it. Your country acre could have gone up in value by several orders of magnitude since you’ve bought it...


The 5 Most Common Types of Damage Found During Pre-Purchase Building Inspections     by   Albert Clamark

04 December 2023

Buying a house should be the one of the happiest and most exciting parts of every Australian’s life. It’s often a lengthy process of hoping and waiting - you’ve found 5 or so houses that you absolutely love, feeling almost spoilt for choice...


What Home & Garden Tools Should You Store In Your Garage?     by   Albert Clamark

22 November 2023

Everyone knows that a worker is only as good as their tools. But when it comes to home improvement, the choices can seem overwhelming. What’s the difference between a spade and a trowel? And is it important to have both? How many screwdrivers do you really need? Well worry no more...


The Outback Out Back: How To Incorporate A Bit Of The Bush Into Your Backyard     by   Albert Clamark

13 October 2023

“I love a sunburnt country”, wrote Dorothea Mackellar in 1906. And what’s not to love about the great Australian outback? The gorgeous reds and yellows of native flowers and the greens of the eucalypt trees. The waterholes, waterfalls, glimmering rivers and shimmering lakes...

Deck DIY: A Guide To Building Your Own Outdoor Deck     by   Albert Clamark

27 July 2023

Few things are as satisfying as completing a DIY project. All those words of advice from your parents about hard work and determination finally make sense when you see the final product. When you can enjoy the final product...

Design Ideas To Make Your Home Feel More Cosy     by   Albert Clamark

28 January 2021

Comfort and cosiness mean different things to different people, especially when it comes to homely touches. A home needs to signal to its owner that the day is over, relaxation is ahead, and provide a space absolutely in line with your needs...

Why is DIY electricity repairs a dangerous idea?     by   Albert Clamark

18 October 2018

Many homeowners would like to think of themselves as ‘ Do it Yourselfers’, doing different projects and repair work at home. While DIY projects can be a great way to improve the value of your home and save money...


Fabulous Decking Ideas for Creating Breathtakingly Beautiful Landscape!     by   Albert Clamark

06 February 2018

Whenever you are looking for new ideas to improve the aesthetics of your home, you must always be looking for new ways to add to the landscape around your home...

Clean Swimming Pool: Essential for a Healthy Living     by   Albert Clamark

10 January 2018

Have you ever thought about owning a swimming pool? Did you know that swimming can be really beneficial for your health? Owning a pool is a great idea, but is a huge responsibility as well. Without the proper maintenance, you can forget about reaping the benefits of swimming...

6 Tips for effective pressure cleaning at home     by   Albert Clamark

09 January 2018

A cleaner home is one where you and your family can reside in a healthier environment, keeping all diseases at bay. Since there are numerous ways to clean your home, pressure cleaning serves to be one of the most effective cleaning techniques...

Retaining Walls: A Mesmerizing Trend taking the World by Storm     by   Albert Clamark

21 December 2017

Did you know that retaining walls can not only be a beautiful addition to your property but a beneficial one as well? It is a type of landscaping option that improves the overall look of your property...


Feature Brick Walls for Your Living Space to Tickle Your Fancy     by   Albert Clamark

21 December 2017

Who would not want a beautiful wall for their living space? Every property owner has dreams of a mesmerizing living space. Bricks are usually a popular option to jazz up your living space...


Why is Professional Roof Repairs Better than DIY Repairs?     by   Albert Clamark

21 December 2017

Is your roof leaking in places? Does it need repairs? Definitely! What do you do, repair it yourself, or leave the job to the professionals? Whichever route you take there is bound to be some pros and cons to each. You need to weigh out which one is more beneficial...
