
Why Fibreglass Pools Are More Popular Than Concrete Pools

13 August 2020

Buying a swimming pool for your property is a big investment. Naturally, you’ll want to be sure that you’re opting for the best type of pool that is worth the investment and can be of long term use. Fibreglass pools are popular in-ground pool options made using glass strands that are extruded into fibres. Such pools are a great option for your home and can help you turn your backyard into a space you'll always want to be in. Before buying a fibreglass pool for your property, you should know about some of the pros and cons of such pools. Keep reading to find out more. 

 Pros of fibreglass pools 

 They’re easy to install

One of the biggest advantages with fibreglass pools is that you won’t have to wait around for a long time for them to be installed. Fibreglass pools are pre-fabricated in factories and delivered to your home where they will be installed. This saves a lot of time on pool installation. Other pools made from concrete or gunitedon’t have the same advantage. Installation time can be cut by 50% with fibreglass pools, with many of them taking as little as 2 weeks to install. This means that you’ll be able to jump into your backyard pool for a swim in no time!    

 They come in multiple shapes and sizes

When fibreglass pools were initially introduced into the market, they came in standard variations of rectangular shapes. Over time, the popularity of fibreglass pools has resulted in them being offered in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit your needs. There are more than 40 shapes available when you're making your decision of selecting a fibreglass pool. You can also choose a size that meets your needs. If you don't have enough space in your backyard for a full length pool, you can opt for a smaller fibreglass pool and enjoy your own pool on your property.   

They offer convenient maintenance 

Fibreglass pools come with a smooth gel coat finish that makes it easier to maintain them. Pools are prone to algae and bacteria growth that can result in dirty water that's also unsafe to be swimming in. The smooth gel coat surface of fibreglass pools prevents algae from settling on the pool surface and bacteria growth. This translates into lesser time spent on cleaning the pool and lesser maintenance requirements for the pool. Fibreglass pools are also impervious to the sun and harsh weather conditions, making them less prone to wear and tear. You also won't need to resurface the pool for a long time, which reduces the overall time and money spent on maintenance and upkeep.         

They have high durability 

Fibreglass material is made to stand the test of time. It is an extremely durable material and has high endurance. It’s not affected by weather conditions in the same way that concrete or gunite pools are and is a reliable option. Such pools also don't need to be resurfaced for long periods of time and any work that needs to be done on the surface is usually minimal. They're backed by long warranty periods because of how durable they are. While they're extremely strong and durable, they remain flexible. High durability means you won't have to worry about repairs anytime soon and can enjoy peace of mind over your pool condition.      

Enhancing their appearance is quick and easy 

While fibreglass pools are pre-fabricated in factories, there are many ways to enhance their appearance quickly and conveniently. Tiles, brick coping, and stones are just some of the many options available to enhance your pool's appearance. The short installation time required will allow you to focus on making decisions about all the additional features that you want so that you can make your pool and backyard look more appealing. 

They can be customised

There are several customisation features available with fibreglass pools. You can choose different colours and tiles for your pool to perfectly complement your garden and house. You can also add a sunbathing ledge, stones, metal, LED lights, or a waterfall to glam things up in your backyard. Whatever overall look you’re aiming at for your house can be achieved by customizing features of your swimming pool to pair well with other home features.     

Fibreglass does not affect pool pH level

Another great aspect of fibreglass pools is that fibreglass does not affect your pool's pH levels. This means that you won't have to use as many chemicals as you would with another type of pool and can save a lot of time and money on balancing your pool's pH level.

The surface of fibreglass is smooth on feet and skin

Fibreglass pools have a smooth gel coated surface that is skin friendly and does not cause cuts/damage on your skin or feet. Exercising or swimming in such pools will be easier as you glide over the smooth pool surfaces without hurting yourself. The uneven surfaces of concrete pools don’t have this advantage. For pool walkways and stairs where grip is needed, a non-skid application is used.  

They’re cost effective and eco-friendly 

Fibreglass pools tend to be warmer and offer higher temperature retention. This results in lower energy utilisation, making them a more eco-friendly option. They’re also a cost-effective option in the long run because of reduced energy bills, lesser maintenance requirements, and lower labour costs.  

Cons of fibreglass pools 

They require installation expertise to maintain high pool quality

Fibreglass pools may come pre-fabricated, but that doesn’t mean that the only installation needed is to dig a hole in the ground and insert the fibreglass mould. Installing fibreglass pools must be done very carefully by backfilling with pea gravel and sand once the pool is in the ground. The pool must be filled with water during this process to ensure the right support is provided. Faulty installation can result in water circulation problems and even cause regions of the walls to collapse. While this is a cause for concern, it’s something that can be easily overcome by ensuring you utilise the services of a professional who will follow due procedures and meet all regulatory frameworks involved for fibreglass pool installation.     

Pre-fabricated moulds pose size and shape restrictions

Since fibreglass pools are constructed in the factory and transported to the site of your property for installation, there are some size and shape limitations, including the ones posed due to logistics. You can however, choose from a variety of shapes and sizes offered which are sure to satisfy your needs.

Another great way to overcome this challenge is by opting for all the customizable features that you can so that you get the most out of your fibreglass pool and can create the look you want for your property.  

Your property will require access to heavy equipment 

Because fibreglass pools are pre-fabricated and then delivered to sites, there needs to be heavy equipment like a crane or lift to help transfer the mould from delivery trucks to the hole dug in the ground. Your property needs to have access to such equipment to complete pool installation. The good news though, is that working with a professional will ensure you have all the permits needed and that legal regulations are being complied with.   

If you’d like a free quote for a Fibreglass Pool in your home, contact Barrier Reef Pools QLD.

